What is the Child Dental Benefits Schedule (CDBS)?
An Australian Government initiative, the CDBS means eligible families are covered in part or in full for basic dental services for children aged between two and 17 years of age, depending on the types of Government support you receive.
As part of the CDBS, dental services are capped at $1000 over two consecutive calendar years. This two year cap period starts when a child or teenager first engages in an eligible dental service.
What services are included?
The dental services included in the CDBS are:
- Examinations
- Most x-rays
- Cleaning
- Fissure sealing
- Fillings
- Root canals
- Extractions, and
- Partial dentures
The CDBS does not cover orthodontic, cosmetic dental work, or dental services provided in hospital.
Are you eligible?
You are eligible if:
- Your children are between two and 17 years old
- They are enrolled in Medicare
- You receive certain Government payments for at least part of the calendar year
You can find out if you’re eligible by clicking here.
Want to know more? We can answer your questions, call us on 02 9099 0800.