Your safety is our number one priority.
We understand that these are very challenging times and at Dental House Gladesville we are working proactively to ensure your safety and that of our staff. We appreciate that we are providing an essential health service and that you trust us to assist with any dental emergencies that may arise during this time.
In line with the latest government advice, at this point in time we are not taking bookings for routine examinations and cleans unless your dental and general health will be impacted. Deep decay, broken teeth causing discomfort, root canal treatments and, in some instances, crowns, are some of the treatments considered essential and will be carried out safely.
We also wanted to take this opportunity to reassure you that we are taking all measures to absolutely minimise any risk of Coronavirus transmission.
- We have always followed state-of-the-art infection control practices. These controls involve autoclave sterilisation of all instruments, sterilisation of the treatment room before every patient, and specialised training for all treatment staff in the highest level of personal hygiene standards.
- Our use of personal protective equipment (PPE) including masks, gloves, protective eyewear, and gowns; our use of disinfectants, up-to-date sterilisation practices, dedicated hand washing, and one-time-use disposable materials ensure safety for our patients and team.
In addition to this, and in line with current advice, we are introducing some extra measures to ensure you can be confident when you come to your next appointment. These are outlined below:
- We have further increased disinfection throughout the practice, with all contact surfaces in the premises being sanitised between patients with medical grade disinfectant. This includes door handles, reception counter, seats, pens, computers, tablets and EFTPOS machine.
- Additional spacing between patients is being allowed to minimise contact in the waiting room and allow time for this cleaning.
- We are checking with patients at multiple points prior to visiting us to ensure that anyone who has recently travelled or is unwell, or close to someone who has recently travelled or is unwell, delays their appointment. We appreciate the number of patients who have rescheduled already, no matter how mild their symptoms. We are all in this together.
- Patient temperatures are being checked on arrival and anyone with an elevated temperature will be asked to reschedule.
- Staff temperatures are also being checked on arrival and any team members with an elevated temperature will not be working.
- A Hydrogen Peroxide (1%) rinse has been introduced for each patient prior to treatment as an additional precautionary measure.
- There is much in the media around mask and glove shortages. We have ensured we have sufficient stock of all essential PPE and other materials, and will not compromise patient or team safety at any time by reducing or limiting the use of these products.
- As a team we have always been committed to excellent personal hygiene and vigilant hand washing, and are now ensuring adequate social distancing as well.
- We will continue to access the most up to date information and follow advice from our trusted industry associations.
In short – we are doing everything possible to ensure the safety and wellbeing of our patients, staff and the wider community. We also need your help with this, and we ask that you please respect the following:
- If you have any symptoms of cold, flu, runny nose, cough, stomach upset or believe you may be coming down with any respiratory illness, please call immediately to reschedule your appointment.
- Please reschedule your appointment if you have had close contact with a person with confirmed COVID-19 while infectious, as you must self-isolate at home for 14 days in conjunction with government guidance.
- If you or anyone in your household has returned from ANY other countries within the last 14 days we also ask that you please reschedule your appointment to help reduce the risk of infection to other patients and our staff.
We wish everyone the very best as we navigate through these unprecedented times, and thank you for your continued support.
Dr Kate, Dr Amy, Kylie and the Dental House Gladesville Team